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220Ltr Trailed Petrol Engine Milk Mixer MKM2PEF
220Ltr Trailed Petrol Engine Milk Mixer MKM2PEF thumbnail220Ltr Trailed Petrol Engine Milk Mixer MKM2PEF thumbnail220Ltr Trailed Petrol Engine Milk Mixer MKM2PEF thumbnail

220Ltr Trailed Petrol Engine Milk Mixer MKM2PEF

The new Wydale 220 Litre Milk Mixer has a powerful Honda 4 stroke engine which rapidly mixes and delivers the milk where required. 

It is capable of delivering 100 Litres of milk per minute via its 6 meter hose and heavy duty hand nozzle. 

Washing is easy and the flip-lid reduces any chance of contamination.

The mixer comes with either road or floatation tyres and is mounted on a chassis with a tow hitch.

-Capacity – 220 Litres
-4 Stroke Honda engine with pump
-6 Meter hose
-Heavy duty nozzle for controlled discharge (100 Litres per minute)

Height (mm) - Excluding Lid


Width (mm)


Nominal capacity (Ltr)


Delivery Info

Carriage included to mainland UK

Length(with hitch) (mm)