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Pushit yard scrapper squeegee YS1 Wydale
Pushit yard scrapper squeegee YS1 Wydale  thumbnailPushit yard scrapper squeegee YS1 Wydale  thumbnail

Pushit yard scrapper squeegee YS1 Wydale

This light weight yard scraper is designed for ease of use. The low density plastic blade is very resistant to wear, lasting up to ten times as long as a standard rubber blade. The shape of the scraper is designed to maximise capacity and the low friction blade allows this greater capacity to be pushed with minimal effort. The flexible material is resistant to damage from stock and will retain its shape through its lifespan.

The scraper is supplied with a 1.6m long, grey grp handle which is light weight, long lasting and does not rot, unlike standard wooden handles.

The standard colour is blue. But available in Red / Pink / Green 

These squeegees are so good that every customer who's brought one has come back for another